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  • Melanie Maynor

More to Know About Hospice

When my mom went on hospice nine months, my thoughts immediately jumped to end of life. Now, nearly 9 months later, and counting, I have learned so much more about hospice and the care, and as this article articulates, the hospitality the amazing team provides my mom. Take a moment to learn about the hospitality side of hospice. If time doesn't allow then enjoy this quote from the article posted below: "In my most meaningful hospice experiences, the patient-provider relationship has been marked by a distinct depth. The dying person is treated not as an unsolvable medical problem but rather as a guest in the home. To sit with a dying patient is to sit with a living person, to peer through the glass and into some of the strangeness of that last chapter. This perspective colors the relationship and can shift the dynamic from one of living-and-dying to one of host-and-guest."

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