Whether you watch basketball or not it's general knowledge that a basketball team has players with specific positions - point guard, shooting guard, center, power forward and small forward. Each of these basketball positions has their own roles and responsibilities. A point guard is highly skilled at dribbling and passing while a shooting guard is the most consistent shooter from all over the court.
While I realize this information will not help you win your March madness bracket I do know it will help you understand the same concept that applies to a basketball teams also applies to your loved one and family as you navigate the aging process. You need a team that will provide peace of mind, expert knowledge in areas unfamiliar to you and people who genuinely understand and provide help.
Because as the article states:"This caregiving race is a marathon and not a sprint. Equipping yourself for the long haul is essential. Just as you would never head out to sea alone, you shouldn’t start this caregiving journey alone".
Here are just a few of the roles and responsibilities listed in the article. For further information about each role and what they do, click here.
Elder law Attorney
Aging Life Care Professional
Financial Adviser
Professional Fiduciary
Effective Medical Provider
Support Group
Professional Caregiver
If you're not sure where to begin, Aging Gracefully is available to help. Not only can we help you navigate hard conversations and begin to lay out a plan of care, we have established relationships with the roles listed above and can help connect you. Call us at (314) 827-6654.
Read more about how to build your dream team here.